Quentin Yvelin



Quentin Yvelin, born in 1988, lives and works in Brittany. His work oscillates between subjective documentary and fiction and borrows both the forms of the photographic journal and installations that mix drawings, texts and images. For the past few years, his research has led him to question lifestyles and imaginations on the fringes and to explore regions that are both “magical” and banal and to open esoteric, romantic breaches through journeys and journeys that resonate like research, internal quests.
The photographs presented here draw both an enigmatic and initiatory cartography within which individuals are in search, in search of a transformation. “Photography as a random, sensitive and fragile material allows us to touch on an“ elliptical ”and cinematographic aesthetic, the use of film and printed media allow me to make these life experiences moving, on the fringes of fiction , solitary trials through which I also tell myself.
His photos are taken in argentique and his fanzines are self-published. Quentin Yvelin exhibits regularly (Lendroit éditions, DosMares, Galerie Le Lieu, Artothèque de Vitré, Mains d’oeuvres) and participates in publishing fairs (offprint, Multiples, Paper and print, Cosmos Arles Books, Rolling Paper).