Silence is sexy

Martina Cirese


About the Project

Silence is Sexy is an erratic diary mapping my own passage through late adolescence to womanhood. I moved to Berlin in March 2015. Attracted by the visionary and nonconformist nature of the city, I found myself plunged into a primitive and Dionysian counterculture.

As I explored the most transgressive German sex clubs for the first time, to portray my encounters became my obsession. Friends; lovers; strangers: these make up the subjects of my research, as they weave their journeys, transitioning from one state to the next, facing the ambivalence of human desire and experiencing the conflict between ego and reality.
The ongoing series put together images from the 15 journals I kept since 2015 till today. I seek to push the documentary approach by combining photography, drawings, texts and other memorabilia to constantly question my self, my surroundings and my most intimate relationships.

